2018년 6월 18일 월요일

You must love one another

"Love one another, even as I have loved you." (John 15:12)

Let me ask you.
Who is the person that you respect more than anyone else?
Who has loved you more than anyone else in your life?
Who is your favorite relative, aunt or uncle, or cousin?
When you were playing a game, did you ever say, "O, me first, me first" ?

Of course, you know that's not nice to say.
Now, why is it not good and nice to say, "Me first?"
The reason is because, when you say, "Me first!" you are being selfish.
You are loving yourself first and the best.

And it is not right.
It is naughty to be selfish and self-centered to love yourself more than others.

My friend!
God says we must love Him first and foremost.

Table of Contents

07. God’s Children Must Love One Another
08. God’s Children Must Trust God
09. God’s Children Must Give

“Love one another, As I have loved you." (John 13:34)

If I have not love, I am nothing. (I Cor 13:2)

When you read and listen to this book,
you will find that God is God of love.

- God loves you unchangeable. -

It comes with movies and sound. The book is on page 33.

Our books are also available on the application. Search for " Mission PEP " at Google Play Store and App Store.

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