2018년 7월 18일 수요일

[Bible story] If you should die

"We shall all be changed" <I Corinthians 15:51>

All men will face death, it's unavoidable.
Everyone will die once, and after this comes the judgment.

What have you ever thought about your death?
Jesus died on the cross and arose after three days.
And Jesus went up to Heaven.

Jesus is coming back, and it will be wonderful to meet Him in the clouds.
But maybe we will not live until the day Jesus comes.
Maybe you will die before Jesus comes.

Maybe I will die, Old people die.
Sometimes boys and girls die.

Peter and James and John, and the great missionary Paul, they all look forward for Jesus to come back.


16. If I Should Die
17. Praise to God Forever

"No one comes to the Father, but through me." (John 14:6)

Where will you go, after you die?

When you read and listen to this book, you will find where you go.

- God loves you unchangeable-

search google play and app store "Mission pep"

2018년 7월 17일 화요일

[Bible story] Jesus is coming back

"The earth and its works will be burned up." <I Peter 3:10>

Who made this world?
The Bible says, "God made all things"

Do you remember that everything had a beginning?
The first words of the Bible tell us:
"In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth."

Heaven and earth will have an ending, too.
God has told us so in the Bible.

One day, Jesus and the disciples were looking at the beautiful Temple in Jerusalem.
They said to Jesus, "Come and see how very beautiful the Temple is!"

The Temple was made of big white stones, trimmed with shining gold.
There were big pillars and high towers.
There were wide porches, with benches where people could sit.


13. The World is Going to End
14. Jesus is Coming Back
15. What Will Happen When Jesus Comes

"'I will coming soon' Amen, come Lord Jesus" (Revelation 22:20)

God will wipe away all your tears.

When you read listen to this book, you wil pray "oh! Lord Jesus, com quickly."

- God's love is everlasting.-

search google play and app store "Mission pep" downlord

2018년 7월 16일 월요일

[bible story] God remembers you

"Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." <Matthew 28:19>

God loves us.
God sent His son for our salvation.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins and then Jesus arose after three days, and Jesus went up to Heaven.

Just before Jesus went up to Heaven, Jesus told His disciples to go and tell everybody about Him.
Jesus said that they should baptize all who would believe in Him.

There are three special things that the minister of a church must do.
The minister must preach God's Word, especially telling people about Jesus.
The minister must baptize, And the minister must also serve the Lord's Supper.

All three help us to learn more about God, and to grow more and more like Jesus.
That is what every Christian must do!


10. Baptism
11. The Lord's Supper 
12. Bringing Others to Church 

"I will raise him up at the last day." (John 6:40)

Your sunday is coming.

When you read and listen to this book, you will remember Jesus' death.

- God's love is for sinners. -

search google play and app store "Mission pep"

2018년 7월 15일 일요일

[Bible story] What is a church?

"But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things chall be added to you." <Mattherw 6:33>

God is our Father, if we believe in Jesus.
God listens to what we say.
Our Father in heaven answers us.

God wants us to ask Him for the things we need.
We need food and clothes and a house to live in.
These things are important.
But there is something much more important.

One day, Jesus climbed a green hill with His disciples.
He sat down on the grass and called His disciples to come and sit close around Him.

Birds were singing.
Some were catching insects in the air.
Some were running on the ground, looking for worms and bugs.
Little flowers lifted pretty faces in the green grass.


07. The Most Important Prayer
08. Why We should Go to Church?
09. How We Worship God in Church?

"You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." (Matthew 16:16)

God will make you strong.

When you read and listen to this book, you will find that you are a church.

- God loves you everlasting. -

Search for " Mission pep " in Google Play Store and App Store to see the book.