2018년 5월 25일 금요일

Jesus performed miracles [sound ebook]

" 'Who is this man?' Even the wind and the waves obey Him!" <Mark 4:41>

Jesus was upon the Sea of Galilee. It was a big and beautiful lake.
Jesus liked to walk by the sea. Jesus disciples walked with Him.

Jesus told them many wonderful things about God while He walked with them and communed with them.

One day, there were so many people that came to listen to Jesus, Our Lord said to His disciple Peter, "Push your boat into the water. I will sit in the boat, and the people can listen to Me from the shore."

The people loved to hear Jesus.

They sat by the lake all day, listening to Him as He talked.
When the sun began to go down, they went Home. And Jesus was tired.

Introduction and Contents

04. Jesus Controlled the Wind and the Sea
05. Jesus Commanded Sickness and Death
06. Jesus Forgave Sins

PEP English is a reconstruction of the Bible into a painting and teaching form by using modern English.

The Bible, the classic book of mankind, not only enhances the basis for understanding the history of Western civilization and philosophical thought, but also expands the English language, culture, and world views in a Christian way.

This book can be read with the voice of Dr. David Cook.
Listen to the sermon with the author Michael Y. Chung.

It comes with movies and sound.
The book is on page 39.

"If you can? Everything is possible for him who believes." (Mark 9:23)

It's never too late for you.

When you read and listen to this book,
you will experience the miracles of Jesus.

- God loves you in a special way. -

Our books are also available on the application. Search for " Mission PEP " at Google Play Store and App Store.

Search for " MissionPep " in Amazon and you'll find it in ebook.

2018년 5월 20일 일요일

[Sound ebook] Jesus came from heaven

"He made Himself poor for your sake in order to make you rich by means of His poverty." <Ⅱ Corinthians 8:9>

Do you recall the day of tour birthday?
Do you know when your life on this earth began?
Yes, it began when you were born.

Each year we celebrate our birhtdays and we remember when we were born. Our parents remember that day very well.

Our Lord Jesus was born as a tiny baby in the city of Bethlehem. But Jesus did not begin to live when He was born, like you and me.
Jesus lived long, long before. You see, Jesus is God and God has always been. He always lived, Jesus is the Son of God. He lived with our Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, long before the earth was made.

You remember that the earth was good, beautiful at first.

Table of Contents and Plot

01. Jesus came From Heaven
02. Jesus Obeyed God
03. Jesus Was a Teacher

PEP English is a reconstruction of the Bible into a painting and teaching form by using modern English.

The Bible, the classic book of mankind, not only enhances the basis for understanding the history of Western civilization and philosophical thought, but also expands the English language, culture, and world views in a Christian way.

This book can be read with the voice of Dr. David Cook.
Listen to the sermon with the author Michael Y. Chung.

It comes with movies and sound.
The book is on page 37.

"I came to seek and to save what was lost." (Luke 19:10)

Jesus came to be your Savior.

When you read and listen to this book,
you will meet Jesus as your Savior,

- God's love is forever. -

Our books are also available on the application. Search for " Mission PEP " at Google Play Store and App Store.
