2018년 6월 26일 화요일

How sin came into the world?

"Whoever sins is guilty of breaking God's law." <I John 3:4>

The question I ask is:
Who made this world?
Well, we know that God made the heavens and the earth.

And when God made the world, God made everything beautiful and good.
The first people, Adam and Eve, were so happy.
But oh, how many things are not beautiful and good any more!

People now are so unhappy.
There is sickness, sadness, hatred and anger, war and strife.
There are selfish people, and wicked people, quarreling and fighting.

What is the matter?
What has happened to this beautiful world?
What has happened to the people that were so happy at the very first?
Well, sin has come into the world.


01. How Sin Came Into the World?
02. What Happened to Adam and Eve?
03. What It Means to Be a Sinner?

"Take heart, your sins are forgiven." (Matthew 9:2)

Sin separates you from the source of God's life.

When you read and listen to this book,
you can forgive your sins.

- God's love is for sinners. -

It comes with movies and sound.The book is on page 35.

Our books are also available on the application. Search for " Mission PEP " at Google Play Store and App Store.

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