2018년 6월 28일 목요일

[Bible story] Why do troubles come?

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." <Psalm 23:1>

Friends, God loves us so very much.
God showed His great love by giving His Son Jesus to die for us.
Surely, if God loves us so much, God will always take care of us, won't He?

My friends! The Bible says that God really loves us, and that God will take care of us.
Day and night, every day, all night, God watches over us.

Do you remember king David of the Old Testament?
He was the shepherd boy who became the great king in Israel.
David loved God. And David knew that God loved him.

David wrote many Psalms, which are songs.
Some of them were written in the Bible.
One of his songs is called the Shepherd Psalm.
It it in our Scripture reading in Psalms 23.
When David was just a shepherd boy, he took good care of his sheep.


10. God Takes Care of Us
11. God Turns Our Troubles Into Good
12. God’s Angels Watch Over Us

"Do not worry about your life."(Matthew 6:25)

Troubles come for your good. 

When you read and listen to this book,
you will have a new hope.

- God's love is unfailing. -

It comes with movies and sound. The book is on page 35.

Our books are also available on the application. Search for " Mission PEP " at Google Play Store and App Store.

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