2018년 6월 25일 월요일

You must have a new hope

"Blessed are you when men will cast insults at you and persecute you." (Matthew 5:11)

God's children are really very happy people, because they know that Jesus loves them.
But sometimes God's children have to suffer for the sake of the Lord Jesus.
Very many of God's people have suffered for Jesus' sake and some have even been martyred and killed.

After Jesus had gone to Heaven.
His disciples began to tell people how Jesus died for their sins.
Many people began to believe in Jesus Christ.
They became Christians.

In the book of Acts we read of Stephen.
He was a fine young man.
He heard the disciples tell the story of Jesus, and he became a believer.
Stephen loved Jesus. The Holy Spirit filled Stephen's heart so much that he loved the Lord so very much.


16. God’s Children Must Suffer for Him
17. God’s Children Look for What is Coming

"But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Troubles can be good for you.

When you read and listen to this book,
you will understand sense of hardship.

- God's love is unfaileing. -

It comes with movies and sound.
The book is on page 22.

Our books are also available on the application. Search for " Mission PEP " at Google Play Store and App Store.

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