2018년 5월 30일 수요일

[sound ebook] Jesus lives again

"He was buried and He was raised to life three days later, as written in the Scriptures." (I Corinthians 15:4)

The Bible tells us that all must die once, you and I.
All of us will die someday because we are all sinners.

Death is very sad.
The disciples were very sad on the day that Jesus died.
Jesus was their very best friend. They had surely expected Jesus to be their Savior.

But now Jesus was dead.
How could Jesus be their Savior, if Jesus died?
They did not understand. They buried Jesus in a tomb.

They rolled a big stone in front of the tomb. And they went home so very sad.
The enemies of Jesus said, "We will put watchmen by the grave, because the disciples might come and steal Jesus' body. Then they will say that He is alive again!"

Plot and Table of Contents

10. Jesus Lives Again
11. Jesus Showed Himself to His Friends
12. Jesus Went to Heaven

PEP English is a reconstruction of the Bible into a painting and teaching form by using modern English.

The Bible, the classic book of mankind, not only enhances the basis for understanding the history of Western civilization and philosophical thought, but also expands the English language, culture, and world views in a Christian way.

This book can be read with the voice of Dr. David Cook.
Listen to the sermon with the author Michael Y. Chung.

It comes with movies and sound.
The book is on page 33.

"God has raised this Jesus to life." (Acts 2:32)

Jesus Christ has destroyed death.

When you read and listen to this book,
you will find that you are very important.

- God's love is for undeserving. -

Our books are also available on the application. Search for " Mission PEP " at Google Play Store and App Store.

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