2018년 5월 27일 일요일

[sound ebook] Jesus died for you

"Do you believe because you see Me?
 How happy are those who believe widthout seeing Me!" (John 20:29)

Heave you ever seen Jesus Christ?
Well, we know that we cannot see Christ today because He's in Heaven.

Do you remember one day what Jesus' disciples said when He made the stormy winds stop blowing, and the big waves stop splashing?

They said to one another, "What kind of man is this?" Jesus did so many other wonderful works and miracles, so that the people would say, "What kind of man is this?"

Never was there another man who did all the wonders that Jesus did, healing the sick, making the blind see, raising the dead to life again, and even forgiving sins!
People said, "How can Jesus do such things? Who is Jesus?"
Jesus had the twelve disciples, who walked with Him everyday.

Plot and Table of Contents

07. Jesus Showed Who He Was
08. Jesus Showed His Glory
09. Jesus Died for Us

PEP English is a reconstruction of the Bible into a painting and teaching form by using modern English.

The Bible, the classic book of mankind, not only enhances the basis for understanding the history of Western civilization and philosophical thought, but also expands the English language, culture, and world views in a Christian way.

This book can be read with the voice of Dr. David Cook.
Listen to the sermon with the author Michael Y. Chung.

It comes with movies and sound.
The book is on page 33.


"Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

Someday, you must die.

When you read and listen to this book,
you will have eternal life.

- God's love is for sinner. -


The place where you can meet this book

Search for " Mission Pep " in Amazon. There are a number of different series available.


Our books are also available on the application. Search for " Mission PEP " at Google Play Store and App Store.

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