"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience." <Galatians 5:22>
Let me begin by asking you a few questions:
Do you know about God?
Do you know about Jesus?
Do you know about the Holy Spirit?
Jesus said that He would "abide" in us.
That is the Holy Spirit.
Jesus also sent the Holy Spirit to live in us.
It is especially God the Holy Spirit who helps us to be good.
The Holy Spirit tells us what we need to do.
Paul, the missionary, went to many cities to tell people the story about Jesus, went to an area called Galatia.
And many people in Galatia believed the gospel.
They became Christians.
Then, of course, they wanted to live for God.
But after a while, when Paul was gone, the people of Galatia began to quarrel and argue.
16. The Holy Spirit Helps Us
17. Angels Watch Over Us
"The Holy Spirit helps our weakness." (Romans 8:26)
The Holy Spirit wants to help you.
When you read and listen to this book, you will know the Holy Spirit.
- God's love is uncondionally. -
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