2018년 5월 16일 수요일

[Amazon ebook] God is Almighty

"Holy, holy, holy, The Lord almighty is holy! His glory fills the world." <Isaiah 6:3>

God is love.
God is holy.

Isaiah was one of God's great prophets.
God often spoke to Isaiah. God told Isaiah to tell God's people that someday a wonderful savior would come.

One day, God spoke to Isaiah in a vision.
A vision is something like a dream. In that vision Isaiah saw the Lord sitting upon a throne. His robe filled the temple. And above Hime there were seraphim. Seraphim are shining heavenly creatures.

Isaiah saw that each of the seraphim had six wings. With two wings he coverd his face, with two wings he coverd his face, with two he covered feet, and with two he used to fly. These wonderful seraphim called to each other.


It was a great pleasure of mine when I met Pastor Chung in the United States and he asked me to participate in this great project of Christian Sermons.

The Messages are designed to minister to the old and the young alike, as well as to males and females. To those who have never accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, these massages will present the simplicity of the Gospel in a way that even a child or those not familiar with God's plan of salvation can understand. The broad subject matter of Christian doctrines presented touch on all commonly held Christian beliefs.

It is certainly our prayer and desire that God will use these sermons around the world to encourage believers and bring many peoploe to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

We belives that in every nation and place where these sermons are heard, the power of the Holy Ghost will reveal the truth of the messages to the hearers and that they will apply them to their hearts. We are trusting that multitudes will respond to the Gospel of our Lord through these sermons.

May God richly bless the endeavors of all those connected with this project to reach the world with the Good News of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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